The multiple versions of myself – A Series – Digital

A person has a lot more roles in the society than you can see. Maybe there are also different psyche in these different roles, which we have to keep up on an everyday basis. This is a display of different versions of myself and inner ambivalence.


Re-Edit | Hélène and I at the Japanese Culture Institute – Cologne – Digital

I am in a state, where I really want to explore more of my photos. This in mind means: What can I get out of old photos I did not get out at that time of taking them. Maybe I can improve them or at least do something else to it.

This is a small series of melancholy photos of my girlfriend at this culture institute. I loved the wall and the shadows. Beware, it gets dark!

Feel free to see more on my homepage or on my facebook page.



Marius Photoshoot #1 – Köln Deutz – Digital

This time I want to present you Marius, who was delighted to take some photo with me – and after all, so was I! It was kind of a fashion shoot, because of his very great clothing style. We walked around some areas of cologne, mostly in Deutz. These are the first very selected photos I took of him, representing a small series.

Feel free to see more on my homepage or on my facebook page.



A day in Cologne Ehrenfeld – Digital

I was outside with a friend to explore some more areas of my area where I live in. There was this great little spot with snow and plants (?? I don’t know the exact term of this, my bad!). I hope you like them and feel free to comment on it!

And yes, I like some weird photos, where you have to stand in something or you use a different composition 🙂

You can also view more of my work on my site : or on my facebook.


Naturpark Hoheward Herten – Digital

Last year in december I was at another place worth visiting in NRW or rather in the small area I lived in. There is the Magic Mountain with its‘ rollercoaster stairs and the Triangle in Bottrop and then there is this thing in Herten. I was rather underwhelmed by it, but nonetheless it was a nice walk in the park. 🙂

I hope you like the photos and don’t hesitate to like or comment!


Photomeeting in Niehl Cologne – Digital

There was not too much shot by me, because I had not made a meeting with a model beforehand…but I tried to get into one shooting a little bit and high-jacked it. These are the photos I took.

The models can be found via Facebook: Leona and Tanea

I hope you like them 🙂


More of Paris 2015 – Digital

Ich war ein paar Tage in Paris und da habe ich natürlich ein paar Fotos gemacht. Es gibt was vom Louvre bis hin zum Eiffelturm und allgemeine Fotos 🙂

Schwierig in diesen Reisefotografien ist stets eine Linse dabei zu haben, die auch für jede Situation passt. Meist benutze ich das 50mm Objektiv, da ich es auch schon in Thailand mitgenommen habe und auch immer so zurecht kam damit. Ich sehe mich jedoch stets in den Grenzen, wenn es dann doch platztechnisch nicht klappt…aber bei größeren Gebäuden und etwas Abstand klappt das bisher, wie man auf den Fotos sehen kann 🙂

Louvre Lights - Night and Day
Louvre Lights – Night and Day
Louvre exhibition
Louvre exhibition
Louvre Egypt
Louvre – Egyptian area
Mona Lisa Louvre
Mona Lisa in the Louvre
Louvre exhibition victory of samothrace nice
Louvre exhibition Victory of Samothrace, Nike
Paris Pond des Arts
Paris Pond des Arts
Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe
Paris Montmartre
Paris Montmartre
Paris Montmartre
Paris Montmartre
Paris Montmartre view
Paris Montmartre

Savannah – Mediapark Cologne – Digital

Dieses Fotoshooting war eigentlich als normales Bewerbungsfoto-shooting gedacht. Das haben wir auch zunächst gemacht, aber dann sind wir zu den etwas anderen Fotos gelangt. Am Mediapark in Köln kann man schön herumwandern und ich habe dort schon ein paar Fotos gemacht. Mit gefällt die Ecke sehr 🙂

Das ist das Ergebnis, ich hoffe euch gefällts!

Khitos Savannah 6s Khitos Savannah 7s Khitos Savannah 8s Khitos Savannah 10s

Photowalk 2015 – Digital

This is a re-upload, I hope you don’t mind. I will not change the theme again…I swear.

Diese Fotos entstanden auf einem Fotospaziergang mit einigen sehr tollen Fotografen aus Köln und sehr mutigen Models, die der Kälte getrotzt haben für diese Fotos.
Ich danke euch für diese Einladung und hoffe auf erneutes Treffen bald!

Das sind meine bisherigen Ergebnisse aus diesem Treffen. Ich hoffe euch gefallen sie und ich würde mich über jede Art von Kritik freuen 🙂

Auf Bald, Masi

Brian model Auto golden Fotografie
Brian vorm goldenen Auto
Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang
Kölner Wald Emily
Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang
Kölner Wald und Emily
Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang
Kölner Wald und Franziska
Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang
Kölner Wald und Brian

Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln Model Wald Fotografie Spaziergang Köln

K21 – Exhibition visit Düsseldorf – Digital

For about three years there is an exhibition I wanted to visit and in the last few days of its opening I finally went. It was a metal installation on the highest floor of the K21, a museum in Düsseldorf. There you can climb up and on it and feel how it is to float high above the ground. It was terrifying and exhilirating at the same time. It was worth it, I must say!

Other than that there were a lot of interesting exhibitions to look at. From spiderwebs to weird +16 (it should have been +18 years…) rooms to a room with just an egg in it. Modern art?

Here are my impressions of it! Feel free to comment and visit my other stuff on my homepage or facebook 🙂






















Short Trip to Paris 2016 – Digital

This is a re-upload from my former portfolio-page. I hope you don’t mind…

Letztens war ich kurz in Paris und konnte wieder diese tollen Gebäude genießen. Einfach eine wunderschöne Stadt, die man wirklich öfters gesehen haben muss. Ich genieße es wirklich durch die belebten Straßen zu gehen. Dieses Mal war ich nicht so lange dort und konnte auch nicht allzu viele Fotos schießen, aber dafür ein paar. Ich hoffe euch gefallen sie.

Wer gerne mehr sehen möchte, gerne auf Facebook oder meiner Seite 🙂













Best Nine of 2016 – Instagram – Mobile

Somehow a lot of people post their best photos of the year on social media. I did not know that those services exist, but I like those things as well. Plus, statistics about my social media „success“ is interesting, maybe sobering, but nonetheless engaging.

Do you have the best nine figured out?

Feel free to visit more of my photos on Instagram!

Plus, you can share your Instagram accounts! 🙂


Design + Kreativmarkt – Alte Feuerwache – Cologne – Digital

Today I was at the Design + Kreativmarkt and found some interesting stuff to look at. Not all of it was my cup of tea, but I liked the small, cosy feel of the market.

I bought two tiles from Konstantin Holz (click here for his website) and got to use it already on my table 🙂

There is a lot of new stuff to discover, so I will look out for more events like these and try to find new areas for myself. It can’t hurt!

I hope you like the photos and feel free to get in touch via facebook or my site!


khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-24 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-25 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-26 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-27 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-28 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-29 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-30 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-31 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-32 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-33 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-34 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-35 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-36   khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-20 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-21 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-22 khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-23khitos_designmarkt-in-der-alten-feuerwache-38

Paris Dec 2015 – Another Look – Digital

These are another bunch of photos, I did not publish yet of my little visit to Paris last December.

I hope you like them! There is always a chance to see new photos in another light a few months, well, a lot of months into the future. I try to get back to old photos from time to time and see if I can publish them with another feeling.

Feel free to comment on them and how you like them! khitos_paris-dezember-2015-6khitos_paris-dezember-2015-8khitos_paris-dezember-2015-9